Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recently from GAO

Wildland Fire Management: Interagency Budget Tool Needs Further Development to Fully Meet Key Objectives

Approaches to Mitigate Freight Congestion

Contract Management: DOD Developed Draft Guidance for Operational Contract Support but Has Not Met All Legislative Requirements

State and Local Fiscal Challenges: Rising Health Care Costs Drive Long-term and Immediate Pressures

Federal Real Property: Government's Fiscal Exposure from Repair and Maintenance Backlogs Is Unclear

In 2003, GAO designated federal real property as a high-risk area. In 2007, GAO reported that real-property-holding agencies and the administration had made progress toward managing their real property, but underlying problems, such as backlogs in repair and maintenance, still existed and six agencies reported having over $1 billion in repair and maintenance backlogs. Owning real property creates a fiscal exposure for the government from the expectation that agencies will incur future maintenance and operations costs. GAO was asked to (1) describe how six agencies estimate their repair and maintenance backlogs, (2) determine how these agencies manage their backlogs and the expected future changes in these backlogs, and (3) identify how backlogs have affected operations at some sites. GAO reviewed agency documents, interviewed officials, and visited two sites at each of the six agencies.

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