From Setting Goals to Achieving Them;
OMB’s budget-setting process is often seen as its primary role, with the organization’s responsibility for improving government’s management and performance taking a backseat. But the Obama administration has made clear that improving performance across agencies is important to it by appointing a chief performance officer for government and re-energizing the management side of OMB.
What Government Can Learn from the Preakness
We therefore recommend that the bill include a limit of five high-priority goals per agency or perhaps a ceiling across government of no more than 100 goals. These are priorities, after all.
Setting Goals for Government: The Senate Can Deliver This Fall
Asking Questions Like the British Do
I remember being struck by the power of the approach that Barber invented when I was working as an official in the British government back in 2001. By asking three sets of difficult but very simple questions, the Delivery Unit changed the way that we thought about our jobs. The three themes were:
What journey are you trying to make in terms of the goal? Where are you now and what’s the destination?
What’s your strategy to get there? Why do you think your interventions will work?
How will you monitor progress as you proceed? Do you have the capacity to adjust your strategy as you go along?