Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden on Budget & Economy

Q: Would it be a priority of your administration to balance the federal budget every year?

A: You don't have to make a choice of balancing the budget and/or leading with the priorities that most of us feel strongly about, from health care, to education, to the environment. And I'll just put it in real stark terms: It's about priorities. Just by eliminating the war, & eliminating the $200 billion in tax cuts that goes to the top 1%, if you add it all up, [with $350B in cuts to military special programs], that would allow me to do everything I want to do -- my priorities on education, health care and the environment -- and still bring down the deficit by $150 billion. So, the Republicans are trying to sucker us into this, "You either have to balance the budget and do nothing to make people's lives better, or you're going to balloon the deficit." They have ballooned the deficit with their bad priorities.

via Tyler Cowen

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